Saturday 27 March 2010

getting rid of acne scars

The frustration of acne scars is understandable as addressing the affliction cannot be done easily, or so it is believed. Seeing yourself every day can lead to feeling low and hence a quick solution is desired.

Everyone would hope to own perfectly clear skin, but acne can make you feel victimized particularly if left with marks or pockmarks. Obviously you would seek medication and creams for getting rid of acne scars.

The greatest advice to get rid of acne scars is to see your doctor or visit a dermatological clinic, this can cost hundreds of dollars for medical exam help and as most people cannot afford this they look for over-the-counter solutions which can be cheap but effective.

Here we have some examples of products found around the home which can serve to lessen of get rid of acne scars.

You can simply use these ice cubes to lessen the effect of acne scars, just attempt holding the ice cube on the afflicted area and normally the scars can be less evident.

A natural cure is olive oil, you can apply this as a skin moisturiser which in time can gradually reduce the results of acne scars. Depending on the severeness of your condition this can be a skin care regimen you can have every night before retiring to bed.

Your diet can have a positive or negative effect on your damaged skin, make sure you have the recommended daily amount of vitamins, minerals and water in your diet particularly vitamins b, c and e. These can be found in the most common food groups vegetables, fruits and meats.

If you have already tried acne scar medication and products maybe some of the preceding tips could assist your condition, the cost is minimal and they can be done in the house quite easily and have some success.

Don't be frightened to test different methods and read up on the latest research. For further help and information try getting rid of acne scars